home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- // *************** GLOBALS VARS *****************
- var HELP_DOC = MM.HELP_cmdCreateComponent;
- var SECTION_LIST = "";
- var LABEL_ACCESSES = new Array ("private", "package", "public", "remote");
- var DEFAULT_ACCESS = "public";
- var LABEL_TYPES = new Array(
- "any","array","binary","boolean","date","GUID","numeric",
- "query","string","struct","UUID","variableName");
- var LABEL_PARENT_CFCS = new Array();
- var LABEL_CFC_ROOTS = new Array();
- var COMPONENT_INFO = "";
- var FILE_DIR = "";
- var TEMPLATE_URL = dw.getConfigurationPath() + "/CFComponentTemplate.cfc"
- var errorCount = 0;
- var FORWARD_SLASH = "/";
- var BACK_SLASH = "\\"
- // TODO:
- // Implement validation
- // Remove localizable strings
- // ******************* API **********************
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // commandButtons
- //
- // The list of buttons to display on the right of the dialog,
- // along with the functions to call when they are pressed.
- //
- // none
- //
- // javascript array
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "okClicked();",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "cancelClicked()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp();");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // canAcceptCommand
- //
- // Called to determine if the command can be displayed.
- //
- // none
- //
- // boolean - true if the dialog can be launched
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function canAcceptCommand()
- {
- return ((dw.getDocumentDOM() && dw.getDocumentDOM().getParseMode() == 'html') &&
- (((dw.getFocus() == 'document')
- && (dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM("document").body)) ||
- (dw.getFocus(true) == 'html' || dw.getFocus() == 'textView')) );
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // okClicked
- //
- // Called when the OK button is pressed. Saves the Component.
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function okClicked()
- {
- T.finish();
- var errMsg = COMPONENT_INFO.validate();
- if (!errMsg)
- {
- errMsg = saveToFile();
- }
- if (errMsg)
- {
- var fullMsg = MSG_Error_Header + "\r\n" +
- "==================================================\r\n\r\n" +
- errMsg;
- // reset the _errorCount
- errorCount = 0;
- alert(fullMsg);
- //alert(errMsg);
- }
- else if( errMsg == "" )
- { // null == declined creating subdirectory
- window.close();
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // cancelClicked
- //
- // Called when the Cancel button is pressed. Dismiss the dialog.
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function cancelClicked()
- {
- window.close();
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // displayHelp
- //
- // Displays the built-in Dreamweaver help.
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function displayHelp()
- {
- // Replace the following call if you are modifying this file for your own use.
- dwscripts.displayDWHelp(HELP_DOC);
- }
- // ***************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS ******************
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // initializeUI
- //
- // Prepare the dialog and controls for user input
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function initializeUI()
- {
- // fill the array before the component section is initialized
- LABEL_PARENT_CFCS = getParentCfcs();
- LABEL_CFC_ROOTS = getCfcRoots();
- COMPONENT_INFO = new ComponentInfo();
- SECTION_LIST = new ListControl("section");
- SECTION_LIST.setIndex(0);
- //Initialize the TabControl. (Pass in the prefix used for the tab layers)
- T = new TabControl('Tab');
- //Add tab pages. (Pass the layer name, and the page object)
- T.addPage("componentSection", new ComponentsPage());
- T.addPage("propertiesSection", new PropertiesPage());
- T.addPage("methodsSection", new MethodsPage());
- T.addPage("parametersSection", new ParametersPage());
- //Initialize the display. Start with the selected page
- T.start(SECTION_LIST.getValue());
- MM.CFCfileToOpen = "";
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateUI
- //
- // Called by the main UI components to respond to events
- //
- // theItemName - string - the name of the form control which
- // generated the event
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function updateUI(theItemName)
- {
- if (theItemName == "section")
- {
- T.showPage(SECTION_LIST.getValue())
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // saveToFile
- //
- // Saves the current settings to the component file
- //
- // none
- //
- // string - error message if any
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function saveToFile()
- {
- var errMsg = "";
- // Get the file name
- fileURL = getFileURL();
- // fileExists returns true for ""?
- if ("" != fileURL)
- {
- if ( dwscripts.fileExists(fileURL))
- {
- // display confirmation message
- if (!confirm(MSG_OverwriteExisting))
- {
- //return MSG_DeclinedOverwrite;
- return null; // do not show error message if user doesn't want to overwrite
- }
- }
- } else {
- return null; // user declined creating subfolders?
- }
- var fileOutput = new Array();
- fileOutput.push( dwscripts.sprintf(LABEL_FileGeneratedBy, dw.appName, dw.appVersion, new Date()) );
- fileOutput.push(COMPONENT_INFO.serialize());
- //alert(fileOutput.join(""));
- if (!dwscripts.setFileContents(fileURL, fileOutput.join("")))
- {
- errMsg = dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_FileWriteError,fileURL);
- }
- else
- {
- // We don't want to actually open the CFC file here. At first blush this might seem
- // like the right thing to do. However, there is a problem if we try to do so. That
- // problem concerns some very complicated stuff regarding edit ops and when to
- // suspend/continue them. It is too complicated to explain here. Suffice it to say
- // that the better way to do this is to set a variable here and let the caller
- // (in CFCs.js) do the actual opening of the document.
- MM.CFCfileToOpen = fileURL;
- }
- return errMsg;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // saveToTemplate
- //
- // Saves the current settings to a template
- //
- // none
- //
- // string - error message if any
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function saveToTemplate()
- {
- var errMsg = "";
- var fileOutput = new Array();
- fileOutput.push( dwscripts.sprintf(LABEL_FileGeneratedBy, dw.appName, dw.appVersion, new Date()) );
- fileOutput.push(COMPONENT_INFO.serialize());
- //alert(fileOutput.join(""));
- if (!dwscripts.setFileContents(TEMPLATE_URL, fileOutput.join("")))
- {
- errMsg = dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_FileWriteError,TEMPLATE_URL);
- }
- else
- {
- alert(MSG_TemplateSaved);
- }
- return errMsg;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // loadFromTemplate
- //
- // Reads in the component setting from a template
- //
- // none
- //
- // boolean
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function loadFromTemplate()
- {
- var retVal = false;
- if (dwscripts.fileExists(TEMPLATE_URL))
- {
- var fileContents = dwscripts.getFileContents(TEMPLATE_URL);
- if (fileContents)
- {
- var retVal = COMPONENT_INFO.deserialize(fileContents);
- }
- if (!retVal)
- {
- alert("ERROR parsing template file");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // alert template does not exist
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // getFileURL
- //
- // Returns the full URL for the current component file
- //
- // none
- //
- // string
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getFileURL()
- {
- var retVal = "";
- {
- if( normalizedDirectory() )
- {
- retVal = FILE_DIR + COMPONENT_INFO.name + ".cfc";
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // normalizedDirectory
- //
- // - converts the FILE_DIR to Local URL
- // - appends BACK_SLASH or FORWARD_SLASH as necessary
- // - confirms creation of non-existent subdirectories
- //
- // none
- //
- // boolean if nothing went wrong
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function normalizedDirectory() {
- var originalDirectory = FILE_DIR;
- var directory = dwscripts.filePathToLocalURL(FILE_DIR);
- var lastChar = directory.charAt(directory.length-1);
- if( lastChar != FORWARD_SLASH && lastChar != BACK_SLASH )
- {
- // attempt to find the appropriate slash to use
- if( directory.indexOf(BACK_SLASH) > -1 )
- {
- directory += BACK_SLASH;
- }
- else
- {
- directory += FORWARD_SLASH;
- }
- }
- FILE_DIR = directory;
- // confirm with the user to create non-existent directories
- if( !DWfile.exists(directory) )
- {
- if( confirm( dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_CreateDirectory, originalDirectory) ) )
- {
- //DWfile.createFolder(compFileDir);
- return createFolder(directory);
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // createFolder
- //
- // - cut and pasted from Configuration/WebServices/ProxyGenerators/DefaultProxyGen.js
- // - doesn't work with multiple subdirectories when using UNC path of \\compname\compdir
- //
- // folderURL - the full folder URL
- //
- // boolean if nothing went wrong
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function createFolder(folderURL)
- {
- var fileFolderURL = MMNotes.localURLToFilePath(folderURL);
- if (fileFolderURL)
- {
- var start = 0, index = -1, nextindex = -1, folder;
- while (index < fileFolderURL.length)
- {
- index = ((fileFolderURL.indexOf("\\", start)) || (fileFolderURL.indexOf("/", start)));
- if (index != -1)
- {
- folder = fileFolderURL.substr(0, index);
- if (!DWfile.exists(MMNotes.filePathToLocalURL(folder)))
- {
- if (DWfile.createFolder(MMNotes.filePathToLocalURL(folder)))
- {
- start = index + 1;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- start = index + 1;
- }
- } // index != -1
- else
- {
- folder = fileFolderURL;
- if (!DWfile.exists(MMNotes.filePathToLocalURL(folder)))
- {
- if (!DWfile.createFolder(MMNotes.filePathToLocalURL(folder)))
- return false;
- else
- return true;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- } // while
- }
- return true;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // getUniqueName
- //
- // Returns a unique name based on the given prefix, and an array
- // of names that already exist.
- //
- // If the label is unique, then it is returned with no suffix.
- // If it is not unique, then the next unique name is found.
- //
- // prefix - string - the base name to use
- // arrayToSearch - array of objects with name property - the array
- // of objects to search for duplicate names
- //
- // string
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getUniqueName(prefix, arrayToSearch)
- {
- var retVal = prefix;
- var count = 0;
- if (arrayToSearch != null && arrayToSearch.length > 0)
- {
- var matchFn = new Function("object,searchValue", "return (object.name == searchValue);");
- while (dwscripts.findInArray(arrayToSearch,retVal,matchFn) != -1)
- {
- count++;
- retVal = prefix + count.toString();
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // containsInvalidChars
- //
- // Returns true if the given string contains invalid characters
- //
- // str - string - the string to check
- //
- // boolean
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function containsInvalidChars(str)
- {
- var retVal = false;
- if (str)
- {
- var regExp = /[^\w\d]/g; // new in JS 1.5, \w will support special characters
- retVal = (str.search(regExp) != -1);
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // createFolders
- //
- // Recursively creates folders for the given file URL
- //
- // fileURL - string - the URL path of the folder to create
- //
- // boolean - true if successfull
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function createFolders(fileURL)
- {
- var retVal = true;
- if (!dwscripts.fileExists(fileURL))
- {
- var parentURL = dwscripts.getAbsoluteParentURL();
- if (createFolders(parentURL))
- {
- retVal = dwscripts.createFolder(fileURL);
- }
- else
- {
- retVal = false;
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLASS:
- // ComponentInfo
- //
- // This class represents the information about a component
- //
- //
- // name
- // displayName
- // description
- // parent
- //
- // properties
- // methods
- //
- // fileDir
- //
- //
- // serialize()
- // validate()
- // getFileURL()
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ComponentInfo()
- {
- this.name = "";
- this.displayName = "";
- this.description = "";
- this.parent = "";
- this.properties = new Array(); // array of property info
- this.methods = new Array();
- }
- ComponentInfo.prototype.serialize = ComponentInfo_serialize;
- ComponentInfo.prototype.serializeToTagEdit = ComponentInfo_serializeToTagEdit;
- ComponentInfo.prototype.deserialize = ComponentInfo_deserialize;
- ComponentInfo.prototype.validate = ComponentInfo_validate;
- function ComponentInfo_serialize()
- {
- var componentTag = this.serializeToTagEdit();
- componentTag.format("\t");
- return componentTag.getOuterHTML();
- }
- function ComponentInfo_serializeToTagEdit(tagToSet)
- {
- var componentTag = null;
- if (tagToSet)
- {
- componentTag = tagToSet;
- }
- else
- {
- componentTag = new TagEdit("<cfcomponent></cfcomponent>");
- }
- // componentTag.setAttribute("name", this.name);
- if (this.displayName)
- {
- componentTag.setAttribute("displayName", this.displayName);
- }
- if (this.description)
- {
- componentTag.setAttribute("hint", this.description);
- }
- if (this.parent)
- {
- componentTag.setAttribute("extends", this.parent);
- }
- var childNodes = new Array();
- for (var i=0; i < this.properties.length; i++)
- {
- childNodes.push(this.properties[i].serializeToTagEdit());
- }
- for (var i=0; i < this.methods.length; i++)
- {
- childNodes.push(this.methods[i].serializeToTagEdit());
- }
- componentTag.setChildNodes(childNodes);
- return componentTag;
- }
- function ComponentInfo_deserialize(tagSource)
- {
- var retVal = false;
- var componentTag = null;
- if (typeof tagSource == "string")
- {
- // use the tag edit class to read out the properties
- var tagList = TagEdit.parseString(tagSource);
- // set the componentTag
- var componentTag = null;
- if (tagList)
- {
- for (var i=0; i < tagList.length; i++)
- {
- if (tagList[i].getTagName() == "CFCOMPONENT")
- {
- componentTag = tagList[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- componentTag = tagSource;
- }
- if (componentTag)
- {
- retVal = true;
- this.name = componentTag.getAttribute("name");
- this.displayName = componentTag.getAttribute("displayName");
- this.description = componentTag.getAttribute("hint");
- this.parent = componentTag.getAttribute("parentDescriptor");
- var childNodes = componentTag.getChildNodes();
- this.properties = new Array();
- this.methods = new Array();
- // get the properties and methods
- for (var i=0; i < childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- if (childNodes[i].getTagName() == "CFPROPERTY")
- {
- var node = new PropertyInfo();
- var result = node.deserialize(childNodes[i]);
- if (result)
- {
- this.properties.push(node);
- }
- else
- {
- alert("ERROR parsing property:\n" + childNodes[i].toString());
- retVal = false;
- }
- }
- else if (childNodes[i].getTagName() == "CFFUNCTION")
- {
- var node = new MethodInfo();
- var result = node.deserialize(childNodes[i]);
- if (result)
- {
- this.methods.push(node);
- }
- else
- {
- alert("ERROR parsing method:\n" + childNodes[i].toString());
- retVal = false;
- }
- }
- }
- this.name = (this.name != null) ? this.name : "";
- this.displayName = (this.displayName != null) ? this.displayName : "";
- this.description = (this.description != null) ? this.description : "";
- this.parent = (this.parent != null) ? this.parent : "";
- }
- else
- {
- alert("Error: Component tag not found");
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- function ComponentInfo_validate()
- {
- var retVal = new Array(); // use arrays for string concatenation, not +=
- if( "" == this.name || containsInvalidChars(this.name) ) {
- retVal.push(++errorCount + ". " + dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_Error_BlankName, LABEL_Component));
- }
- if( "" == FILE_DIR ) {
- retVal.push(++errorCount + MSG_Error_CompFileOutputDir);
- }
- for (var i=0; i < this.properties.length; i++)
- {
- retVal.push(this.properties[i].validate());
- }
- for (var i=0; i < this.methods.length; i++)
- {
- retVal.push(this.methods[i].validate());
- }
- return retVal.join("");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLASS:
- // PropertyInfo
- //
- // This class represents the information about a property
- //
- //
- // name
- // displayName
- // access
- // type
- // isArray
- // description
- // defaultValue
- // required
- // searchable
- // fullText
- //
- //
- // serialize()
- // validate()
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PropertyInfo()
- {
- this.name = "";
- this.displayName = "";
- this.access = "public";
- this.type = "string";
- this.isArray = false;
- this.description = "";
- this.defaultValue = "";
- this.required = false;
- this.searchable = false;
- this.fullText = false;
- }
- PropertyInfo.prototype.serialize = PropertyInfo_serialize;
- PropertyInfo.prototype.serializeToTagEdit = PropertyInfo_serializeToTagEdit;
- PropertyInfo.prototype.deserialize = PropertyInfo_deserialize;
- PropertyInfo.prototype.validate = PropertyInfo_validate;
- function PropertyInfo_serialize()
- {
- var propertyTag = this.serializeToTagEdit();
- propertyTag.format("\t");
- return propertyTag.getOuterHTML();
- }
- function PropertyInfo_serializeToTagEdit(tagToSet)
- {
- var propertyTag = null
- if (tagToSet)
- {
- propertyTag = tagToSet;
- }
- else
- {
- propertyTag = new TagEdit("<cfproperty>");
- }
- propertyTag.setAttribute("name", this.name);
- if (this.displayName)
- {
- propertyTag.setAttribute("displayName", this.displayName);
- }
- if (this.description)
- {
- propertyTag.setAttribute("hint", this.description);
- }
- //propertyTag.setAttribute("access", this.access);
- if (this.type)
- {
- var trimmedType = this.type;
- trimmedType = dwscripts.trim(trimmedType);
- if (trimmedType.length > 0)
- {
- propertyTag.setAttribute("type" , trimmedType);
- }
- }
- if (this.defaultValue)
- {
- propertyTag.setAttribute("default" , this.defaultValue);
- }
- if (this.required)
- {
- propertyTag.setAttribute("required" , this.required);
- }
- if (this.searchable)
- {
- propertyTag.setAttribute("searchable" , this.searchable);
- }
- if (this.fullText)
- {
- propertyTag.setAttribute("fullText" , this.fullText);
- }
- return propertyTag;
- }
- function PropertyInfo_deserialize(tagSource)
- {
- var retVal = false;
- var propertyTag = null;
- if (typeof tagSource == "string")
- {
- // use the tag edit class to read out the properties
- var tagList = TagEdit.parseString(tagSource);
- // set the propertyTag
- if (tagList)
- {
- for (var i=0; i < tagList.length; i++)
- {
- if (tagList[i].getTagName() == "CFPROPERTY")
- {
- propertyTag = tagList[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- propertyTag = tagSource;
- }
- if (propertyTag)
- {
- retVal = true;
- this.name = propertyTag.getAttribute("name");
- this.displayName = propertyTag.getAttribute("displayName");
- this.description = propertyTag.getAttribute("hint");
- this.access = propertyTag.getAttribute("access");
- this.type = propertyTag.getAttribute("type");
- this.defaultValue = propertyTag.getAttribute("default");
- this.required = (propertyTag.getAttribute("required") == "true");
- this.searchable = (propertyTag.getAttribute("searchable") == "true");
- this.fullText = propertyTag.getAttribute("fullText");
- this.name = (this.name != null) ? this.name : "";
- this.displayName = (this.displayName != null) ? this.displayName : "";
- this.description = (this.description != null) ? this.description : "";
- this.access = (this.access != null) ? this.access : "public";
- this.type = (this.type != null) ? this.type : "string";
- this.defaultValue = (this.defaultValue != null) ? this.defaultValue : "";
- this.fullText = (this.fullText != null) ? this.fullText : "";
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- function PropertyInfo_validate()
- {
- var retVal = new Array(); // use arrays for string concatenation, not +=
- return retVal.join("");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLASS:
- // MethodInfo
- //
- // This class represents information about a method
- //
- //
- // name
- // displayName
- // description
- // access
- // isStatic
- // resultType
- // output
- //
- // parameters
- //
- //
- // serialize()
- // validate()
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function MethodInfo()
- {
- this.name = "";
- this.displayName = "";
- this.description = "";
- this.access = "public";
- this.roles = "";
- this.isStatic = false;
- this.resultType = "";
- this.output = false;
- this.parameters = new Array(); // array of parameter info
- }
- MethodInfo.prototype.serialize = MethodInfo_serialize;
- MethodInfo.prototype.serializeToTagEdit = MethodInfo_serializeToTagEdit;
- MethodInfo.prototype.deserialize = MethodInfo_deserialize;
- MethodInfo.prototype.validate = MethodInfo_validate;
- function MethodInfo_serialize()
- {
- var methodTag = this.serializeToTagEdit();
- methodTag.format("\t");
- return methodTag.getOuterHTML();
- }
- function MethodInfo_serializeToTagEdit(tagToSet)
- {
- var methodTag = null;
- if (tagToSet)
- {
- methodTag = tagToSet;
- }
- else
- {
- methodTag = new TagEdit("<cffunction></cffunction>");
- }
- methodTag.setAttribute("name", this.name);
- var retVal = new Array();
- if (this.displayName)
- {
- methodTag.setAttribute("displayName", this.displayName);
- }
- if (this.description)
- {
- methodTag.setAttribute("hint", this.description);
- }
- methodTag.setAttribute("access", this.access);
- //methodTag.setAttribute("static", this.isStatic);
- if (this.roles)
- {
- methodTag.setAttribute("roles", this.roles);
- }
- if (this.resultType)
- {
- var trimmedType = this.resultType;
- trimmedType = dwscripts.trim(trimmedType);
- if (trimmedType.length > 0)
- {
- methodTag.setAttribute("returnType", trimmedType);
- }
- }
- methodTag.setAttribute("output", this.output.toString());
- var paramNodes = new Array();
- for (var i=0; i < this.parameters.length; i++)
- {
- paramNodes.push(this.parameters[i].serializeToTagEdit());
- }
- var childNodes = paramNodes;
- var cffunctionComment = new TagEdit("\r\n\r\n<!--- " + this.name + " body --->");
- childNodes.push(cffunctionComment);
- if (this.resultType && "none" != this.resultType)
- {
- var cfreturnNode = new TagEdit("\r\n\r\n<cfreturn >");
- childNodes.push(cfreturnNode);
- }
- methodTag.setChildNodes(childNodes);
- return methodTag;
- }
- function MethodInfo_deserialize(tagSource)
- {
- var retVal = false;
- var methodTag = null;
- if (typeof tagSource == "string")
- {
- // use the tag edit class to read out the properties
- var tagList = TagEdit.parseString(tagSource);
- // set the propertyTag
- if (tagList)
- {
- for (var i=0; i < tagList.length; i++)
- {
- if (tagList[i].getTagName() == "CFFUNCTION")
- {
- methodTag = tagList[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- methodTag = tagSource;
- }
- if (methodTag)
- {
- retVal = true;
- this.name = methodTag.getAttribute("name");
- this.displayName = methodTag.getAttribute("displayName");
- this.description = methodTag.getAttribute("hint");
- this.access = methodTag.getAttribute("access");
- this.roles = methodTag.getAttribute("roles");
- //this.isStatic = (methodTag.getAttribute("static") == "true");
- this.resultType = methodTag.getAttribute("returnType");
- this.output = (methodTag.getAttribute("output") == "true");
- var childNodes = methodTag.getChildNodes();
- this.parameters = new Array();
- // get the parameters
- for (var i=0; i < childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- if (childNodes[i].getTagName() == "CFARGUMENT")
- {
- var node = new ParameterInfo();
- var result = node.deserialize(childNodes[i]);
- if (result)
- {
- this.parameters.push(node);
- }
- else
- {
- retVal = false;
- }
- }
- }
- this.name = (this.name != null) ? this.name : "";
- this.displayName = (this.displayName != null) ? this.displayName : "";
- this.description = (this.description != null) ? this.description : "";
- this.access = (this.access != null) ? this.access : "";
- this.roles = (this.roles != null) ? this.roles : "";
- this.resultType = (this.resultType != null) ? this.resultType : "";
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- function MethodInfo_validate()
- {
- var retVal = new Array(); // use arrays for string concatenation, not +=
- for (var i=0; i < this.parameters.length; i++)
- {
- retVal.push(this.parameters[i].validate());
- }
- return retVal.join("");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLASS:
- // ParameterInfo
- //
- // This class represent information about a parameter
- //
- //
- // name
- // displayName
- // description
- // type
- // required
- // defaultValue
- //
- //
- // serialize()
- // validate()
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParameterInfo()
- {
- this.name = "";
- this.displayName = "";
- this.description = "";
- this.type = "string";
- this.required = false;
- this.defaultValue = "";
- }
- ParameterInfo.prototype.serialize = ParameterInfo_serialize;
- ParameterInfo.prototype.serializeToTagEdit = ParameterInfo_serializeToTagEdit;
- ParameterInfo.prototype.deserialize = ParameterInfo_deserialize;
- ParameterInfo.prototype.validate = ParameterInfo_validate;
- function ParameterInfo_serialize()
- {
- var parameterTag = this.serializeToTagEdit();
- parameterTag.format("\t");
- return parameterTag.getOuterHTML();
- }
- function ParameterInfo_serializeToTagEdit(tagToSet)
- {
- var parameterTag = null;
- if (tagToSet)
- {
- parameterTag = tagToSet;
- }
- else
- {
- parameterTag = new TagEdit("<cfargument>");
- }
- parameterTag.setAttribute("name", this.name);
- if (this.displayName)
- {
- parameterTag.setAttribute("displayName", this.displayName);
- }
- if (this.description)
- {
- parameterTag.setAttribute("hint", this.description);
- }
- if (this.type)
- {
- var trimmedType = this.type;
- trimmedType = dwscripts.trim(trimmedType);
- if (trimmedType.length > 0)
- {
- parameterTag.setAttribute("type", trimmedType + ((this.isArray) ? '[]' : ''));
- }
- }
- if (this.required)
- {
- parameterTag.setAttribute("required", this.required);
- }
- if (this.defaultValue)
- {
- parameterTag.setAttribute("default", this.defaultValue);
- }
- return parameterTag;
- }
- function ParameterInfo_deserialize(tagSource)
- {
- var retVal = false;
- var parameterTag = null;
- if (typeof tagSource == "string")
- {
- // use the tag edit class to read out the properties
- var tagList = TagEdit.parseString(tagSource);
- // set the parameterTag
- if (tagList)
- {
- for (var i=0; i < tagList.length; i++)
- {
- if (tagList[i].getTagName() == "CFARGUMENT")
- {
- parameterTag = tagList[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- parameterTag = tagSource;
- }
- if (parameterTag)
- {
- retVal = true;
- this.name = parameterTag.getAttribute("name");
- this.displayName = parameterTag.getAttribute("displayName");
- this.description = parameterTag.getAttribute("hint");
- this.type = parameterTag.getAttribute("type");
- this.required = (parameterTag.getAttribute("required") == "true");
- this.defaultValue = parameterTag.getAttribute("default");
- this.name = (this.name != null) ? this.name : "";
- this.displayName = (this.displayName != null) ? this.displayName : "";
- this.description = (this.description != null) ? this.description : "";
- this.type = (this.type != null) ? this.type : "string";
- this.defaultValue = (this.defaultValue != null) ? this.defaultValue : "";
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- function ParameterInfo_validate()
- {
- var retVal = new Array(); // use arrays for string concatenation, not +=
- return retVal.join("");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Page Classes
- //
- // Please see the TabControlClass.js file in Shared/MM/Scripts/Class
- // for more information on the functions defined within these classes
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLASS:
- // ComponentsPage
- //
- // This class handles the display and update of the component page
- //
- // NONE
- //
- // NONE
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ComponentsPage(theTabLabel)
- {
- this.tabLabel = theTabLabel;
- // controls
- this.compName = "";
- this.compDisplayName = "";
- this.compDescription = "";
- this.compParent = "";
- this.compFileOutputDir = "";
- }
- ComponentsPage.prototype.getTabLabel = ComponentsPage_getTabLabel;
- ComponentsPage.prototype.canLoad = ComponentsPage_canLoad;
- ComponentsPage.prototype.load = ComponentsPage_load;
- ComponentsPage.prototype.update = ComponentsPage_update;
- ComponentsPage.prototype.unload = ComponentsPage_unload;
- ComponentsPage.prototype.lastUnload = ComponentsPage_lastUnload;
- function ComponentsPage_getTabLabel()
- {
- return this.tabLabel;
- }
- //Called to check if a page can be loaded
- //
- function ComponentsPage_canLoad()
- {
- //alert("canLoad() called " + this.tabLabel);
- return true;
- }
- //Called when the layer for this page is displayed.
- // Use this call to initialize controls.
- //
- function ComponentsPage_load()
- {
- //alert("load() called " + this.tabLabel + " (loaded = " + this.loaded + ")");
- this.compName = dwscripts.findDOMObject("compName");
- this.compDisplayName = dwscripts.findDOMObject("compDisplayName");
- this.compDescription = dwscripts.findDOMObject("compDescription");
- this.compParent = new ListControl("compParent");
- this.compFileOutputDir = new ListControl("compFileOutputDir");
- this.compFileOutputDir.setAll(LABEL_CFC_ROOTS,LABEL_CFC_ROOTS);
- this.update("refresh");
- }
- //Called when one of the page controls calls the tabControl update function.
- // Use this call to respond to user input.
- //
- function ComponentsPage_update(theItemName)
- {
- //alert("update() called for " + theItemName + " on " + this.tabLabel);
- if (theItemName == "refresh")
- {
- this.compName.value = COMPONENT_INFO.name;
- this.compDisplayName.value = COMPONENT_INFO.displayName;
- this.compDescription.value = COMPONENT_INFO.description;
- this.compParent.pick(COMPONENT_INFO.parent);
- this.compFileOutputDir.set(FILE_DIR,-1);
- }
- if (theItemName == "compName")
- {
- COMPONENT_INFO.name = this.compName.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "compDisplayName")
- {
- COMPONENT_INFO.displayName = this.compDisplayName.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "compDescription")
- {
- COMPONENT_INFO.description = this.compDescription.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "compParent")
- {
- COMPONENT_INFO.parent = this.compParent.getValue();
- }
- else if (theItemName == "FolderBrowse")
- {
- retVal = dwscripts.localURLToFilePath(dreamweaver.browseForFolderURL(LABEL_DirBrowse));
- if (retVal)
- {
- // need the optional index of -1 so it doesn't override the selectedIndex
- this.compFileOutputDir.set(retVal,-1);
- }
- }
- else if (theItemName == "saveToTemplate")
- {
- saveToTemplate();
- }
- else if (theItemName == "loadFromTemplate")
- {
- loadFromTemplate();
- this.update("refresh");
- }
- }
- //Called when another page is about to be shown, or finish() is called on
- // the tabControl. Use this call to perform any finishing tasks.
- //
- function ComponentsPage_unload()
- {
- //alert("unload() called " + this.tabLabel);
- COMPONENT_INFO.name = this.compName.value;
- COMPONENT_INFO.displayName = this.compDisplayName.value;
- COMPONENT_INFO.description = this.compDescription.value;
- COMPONENT_INFO.parent = this.compParent.get();
- FILE_DIR = this.compFileOutputDir.get();
- // do any checking needed while changing pages.
- // return false if we should remain on this page.
- // hack to make sure that controls disappear correctly
- T.obj.visibility = "hidden";
- T.obj.visibility = "visible";
- return true;
- }
- //Called when finish() is called on the tabControl.
- // Use this call to perform any last minute page updates.
- //
- function ComponentsPage_lastUnload()
- {
- //alert("lastUnload() called " + this.tabLabel);
- return true;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLASS:
- // PropertiesPage
- //
- // This class handles the display and update of the properties page
- //
- // NONE
- //
- // NONE
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PropertiesPage(theTabLabel)
- {
- this.tabLabel = theTabLabel;
- this.properties = "";
- this.propName = "";
- this.propDisplayName = "";
- this.propDescription = "";
- //this.propAccess = "";
- this.propType = "";
- this.propArray = "";
- //this.propDefaultValue = "";
- //this.propRequired = "";
- this.propSearchable = "";
- this.propFullText = "";
- this.selectedProperty = -1;
- this.pageIsEnabled = true;
- }
- PropertiesPage.prototype.getTabLabel = PropertiesPage_getTabLabel;
- PropertiesPage.prototype.canLoad = PropertiesPage_canLoad;
- PropertiesPage.prototype.load = PropertiesPage_load;
- PropertiesPage.prototype.update = PropertiesPage_update;
- PropertiesPage.prototype.unload = PropertiesPage_unload;
- PropertiesPage.prototype.lastUnload = PropertiesPage_lastUnload;
- PropertiesPage.prototype.enable = PropertiesPage_enable;
- PropertiesPage.prototype.disable = PropertiesPage_disable;
- function PropertiesPage_getTabLabel()
- {
- return this.tabLabel;
- }
- //Called to check if a page can be loaded
- //
- function PropertiesPage_canLoad()
- {
- //alert("canLoad() called " + this.tabLabel);
- return true;
- }
- //Called when the layer for this page is displayed.
- // Use this call to initialize controls.
- //
- function PropertiesPage_load()
- {
- //alert("load() called " + this.tabLabel + " (loaded = " + this.loaded + ")");
- this.properties = new ListControl("properties");
- this.propName = dwscripts.findDOMObject("propName");
- this.propDisplayName = dwscripts.findDOMObject("propDisplayName");
- this.propDescription = dwscripts.findDOMObject("propDescription");
- //this.propAccess = new ListControl("propAccess");
- this.propType = new ListControl("propType");
- //this.propArray = dwscripts.findDOMObject("propArray");
- //this.propDefaultValue = dwscripts.findDOMObject("propDefaultValue");
- //this.propRequired = dwscripts.findDOMObject("propRequired");
- //this.propSearchable = dwscripts.findDOMObject("propSearchable");
- //this.propFullText = dwscripts.findDOMObject("propFullText");
- // populate access list
- //this.propAccess.setAll(LABEL_ACCESSES,LABEL_ACCESSES);
- //this.propAccess.pickValue(DEFAULT_ACCESS);
- // populate the type list
- this.propType.setAll(LABEL_TYPES,LABEL_TYPES);
- this.update('refresh');
- }
- //Called when one of the page controls calls the tabControl update function.
- // Use this call to respond to user input.
- //
- function PropertiesPage_update(theItemName)
- {
- //alert("update() called for " + theItemName + " on " + this.tabLabel);
- if (theItemName == "refresh")
- {
- // populate the properties array
- var nameArray = new Array();
- for (var i=0; i < COMPONENT_INFO.properties.length; i++)
- {
- nameArray.push(COMPONENT_INFO.properties[i].name); // function call?
- }
- this.properties.setAll(nameArray);
- if (this.selectedProperty != -1)
- {
- this.properties.setIndex(this.selectedProperty);
- }
- // now update the rest of the display
- this.update('properties');
- }
- else if (theItemName == "btn_propPlus")
- {
- var property = new PropertyInfo();
- property.name = getUniqueName(LABEL_Property, COMPONENT_INFO.properties);
- COMPONENT_INFO.properties.push(property); // should we insert this after selection?
- this.properties.append(property.name);
- this.properties.setIndex(COMPONENT_INFO.properties.length);
- this.update("properties");
- }
- else if (theItemName == "btn_propMinus")
- {
- var index = this.properties.getIndex();
- this.properties.del();
- // delete this property
- COMPONENT_INFO.properties.splice(index,1);
- this.update("properties");
- }
- else
- {
- var index = this.properties.getIndex();
- var property = null;
- if (index >= 0)
- {
- property = COMPONENT_INFO.properties[index];
- }
- if (property)
- {
- this.enable();
- if (theItemName == "properties")
- {
- // update the other fields to display the currently
- // selected item
- this.propName.value = property.name;
- this.propDisplayName.value = property.displayName;
- //this.propAccess.pickValue(property.access);
- this.propType.pickValue(property.type);
- //this.propArray.checked = property.isArray;
- this.propDescription.value = property.description;
- //this.propDefaultValue.value = property.defaultValue;
- //this.propRequired.checked = property.required;
- //this.propSearchable.checked = property.searchable;
- //this.propFullText.checked = property.fullText;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "propName")
- {
- if( "" == this.propName.value || containsInvalidChars(this.propName.value) ) {
- alert(dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_Error_BlankName,LABEL_Property));
- dwscripts.findDOMObject("propName").focus();
- }
- else if ( nameExists(this.propName.value, this.properties) )
- {
- alert(dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_Error_NameExists, this.propName.value, LABEL_Property));
- dwscripts.findDOMObject("propName").focus();
- }
- else
- {
- property.name = this.propName.value;
- this.properties.set(property.name);
- }
- }
- else if (theItemName == "propDisplayName")
- {
- property.displayName = this.propDisplayName.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "propAccess")
- {
- //property.access = this.propAccess.getValue();
- }
- else if (theItemName == "propType")
- {
- var newValue = this.propType.getValue();
- if (property.type != newValue)
- {
- property.type = newValue;
- // need to repick the value to work around a bug
- this.propType.pickValue(property.type);
- }
- }
- else if (theItemName == "propDescription")
- {
- property.description = this.propDescription.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "propDefaultValue")
- {
- //property.defaultValue = this.propDefaultValue.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "propRequired")
- {
- //property.required = this.propRequired.checked;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // clear items
- this.propName.value = "";
- this.propDisplayName.value = "";
- //this.propAccess.pickValue("public");
- this.propType.pickValue("string");
- //this.propArray.checked = false;
- this.propDescription.value = "";
- //this.propDefaultValue.value = "";
- //this.propRequired.checked = false;
- //this.propSearchable.checked = false;
- //this.propFullText.checked = false;
- // disable form
- this.disable();
- }
- }
- }
- //Called when another page is about to be shown, or finish() is called on
- // the tabControl. Use this call to perform any finishing tasks.
- //
- function PropertiesPage_unload()
- {
- //alert("unload() called " + this.tabLabel);
- this.selectedProperty = this.properties.getIndex();
- // hack to make sure that controls disappear correctly
- T.obj.visibility = "hidden";
- T.obj.visibility = "visible";
- return true;
- }
- //Called when finish() is called on the tabControl.
- // Use this call to perform any last minute page updates.
- //
- function PropertiesPage_lastUnload()
- {
- //alert("lastUnload() called " + this.tabLabel);
- return true;
- }
- function PropertiesPage_enable()
- {
- if (!this.pageIsEnabled)
- {
- this.pageIsEnabled = true;
- this.propName.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.propDisplayName.removeAttribute("disabled");
- //this.propAccess.enable();
- this.propType.enable();
- //this.propArray.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.propDescription.removeAttribute("disabled");
- //this.propDefaultValue.removeAttribute("disabled");
- //this.propRequired.removeAttribute("disabled");
- //this.propSearchable.removeAttribute("disabled");
- //this.propFullText.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- }
- function PropertiesPage_disable()
- {
- if (this.pageIsEnabled)
- {
- this.pageIsEnabled = false;
- this.propName.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.propDisplayName.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- //this.propAccess.disable();
- this.propType.disable();
- //this.propArray.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.propDescription.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- //this.propDefaultValue.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- //this.propRequired.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- //this.propSearchable.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- //this.propFullText.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLASS:
- // MethodsPage
- //
- // This class handles the display and update of the methods page
- //
- // NONE
- //
- // NONE
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function MethodsPage(theTabLabel)
- {
- this.tabLabel = theTabLabel;
- this.methods = "";
- this.methodName = "";
- this.methodDisplayName = "";
- this.methodDescription = "";
- this.methodAccess = "";
- this.methodRoles = "";
- //this.methodStatic1 = "";
- this.methodResultType = "";
- this.methodOutput = "";
- this.selectedMethod = -1;
- this.pageIsEnabled = true;
- }
- MethodsPage.prototype.getTabLabel = MethodsPage_getTabLabel;
- MethodsPage.prototype.canLoad = MethodsPage_canLoad;
- MethodsPage.prototype.load = MethodsPage_load;
- MethodsPage.prototype.update = MethodsPage_update;
- MethodsPage.prototype.unload = MethodsPage_unload;
- MethodsPage.prototype.lastUnload = MethodsPage_lastUnload;
- MethodsPage.prototype.enable = MethodsPage_enable;
- MethodsPage.prototype.disable = MethodsPage_disable;
- function MethodsPage_getTabLabel()
- {
- return this.tabLabel;
- }
- //Called to check if a page can be loaded
- //
- function MethodsPage_canLoad()
- {
- //alert("canLoad() called " + this.tabLabel);
- return true;
- }
- //Called when the layer for this page is displayed.
- // Use this call to initialize controls.
- //
- function MethodsPage_load()
- {
- //alert("load() called " + this.tabLabel + " (loaded = " + this.loaded + ")");
- this.methods = new ListControl("methods");
- this.methodName = dwscripts.findDOMObject("methodName");
- this.methodDisplayName = dwscripts.findDOMObject("methodDisplayName");
- this.methodDescription = dwscripts.findDOMObject("methodDescription");
- this.methodAccess = new ListControl("methodAccess");
- this.methodRoles = dwscripts.findDOMObject("methodRoles");
- //this.methodStatic1 = dwscripts.findDOMObject("methodStatic1");
- this.methodResultType = new ListControl("methodResultType");
- this.methodOutput = dwscripts.findDOMObject("methodOutput");
- // populate the access list
- this.methodAccess.setAll(LABEL_ACCESSES,LABEL_ACCESSES);
- this.methodAccess.pickValue(DEFAULT_ACCESS);
- // populate the result type list
- var newList = new Array();
- var completeList = newList.concat(LABEL_TYPES);
- this.methodResultType.setAll(completeList,completeList);
- this.update("refresh");
- }
- //Called when one of the page controls calls the tabControl update function.
- // Use this call to respond to user input.
- //
- function MethodsPage_update(theItemName)
- {
- //alert("update() called for " + theItemName + " on " + this.tabLabel);
- if (theItemName == "refresh")
- {
- // populate the methods array
- var nameArray = new Array();
- for (var i=0; i < COMPONENT_INFO.methods.length; i++)
- {
- nameArray.push(COMPONENT_INFO.methods[i].name); // function call?
- }
- this.methods.setAll(nameArray);
- if (this.selectedMethod != -1)
- {
- this.methods.setIndex(this.selectedMethod);
- }
- // now update the rest of the display
- this.update('methods');
- }
- else if (theItemName == "btn_methodPlus")
- {
- var method = new MethodInfo();
- method.name = getUniqueName(LABEL_Method, COMPONENT_INFO.methods);
- COMPONENT_INFO.methods.push(method); // should we insert this after selection?
- this.methods.append(method.name);
- this.methods.setIndex(COMPONENT_INFO.methods.length);
- this.update("methods");
- }
- else if (theItemName == "btn_methodMinus")
- {
- var index = this.methods.getIndex();
- this.methods.del();
- // delete this property
- COMPONENT_INFO.methods.splice(index,1);
- this.update("methods");
- }
- else
- {
- var index = this.methods.getIndex();
- var method = null;
- if (index >= 0)
- {
- method = COMPONENT_INFO.methods[index];
- }
- if (method)
- {
- this.enable();
- if (theItemName == "methods")
- {
- // update the other fields to display the currently
- // selected item
- this.methodName.value = method.name;
- this.methodDisplayName.value = method.displayName;
- this.methodDescription.value = method.description;
- this.methodAccess.pickValue(method.access);
- this.methodRoles.value = method.roles;
- //this.methodStatic1.checked = method.isStatic;
- this.methodResultType.pickValue(method.resultType);
- this.methodOutput.checked = method.output;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "methodName")
- {
- if( "" == this.methodName.value || containsInvalidChars(this.methodName.value) ) {
- alert(dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_Error_BlankName,LABEL_Method));
- dwscripts.findDOMObject("methodName").focus();
- }
- else if ( nameExists(this.methodName.value, this.methods) )
- {
- alert(dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_Error_NameExists, this.methodName.value, LABEL_Method));
- dwscripts.findDOMObject("methodName").focus();
- }
- else
- {
- method.name = this.methodName.value;
- this.methods.set(method.name);
- }
- }
- else if (theItemName == "methodDisplayName")
- {
- method.displayName = this.methodDisplayName.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "methodDescription")
- {
- method.description = this.methodDescription.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "methodAccess")
- {
- method.access = this.methodAccess.getValue();
- }
- else if (theItemName == "methodRoles")
- {
- method.roles = this.methodRoles.value;
- }
- //else if (theItemName == "methodStatic1")
- //{
- //method.isStatic = this.methodStatic1.checked;
- //}
- else if (theItemName == "methodResultType")
- {
- var newValue = this.methodResultType.getValue();
- if (method.resultType != newValue)
- {
- method.resultType = newValue;
- // need to repick the value to work around a bug
- this.methodResultType.pickValue(method.resultType);
- }
- }
- else if (theItemName == "methodOutput")
- {
- method.output = this.methodOutput.checked;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // clear items
- this.methodName.value = "";
- this.methodDisplayName.value = "";
- this.methodDescription.value = "";
- this.methodAccess.pickValue("public");
- this.methodRoles.value = "";
- //this.methodStatic1.checked = false;
- this.methodResultType.pickValue("");
- this.methodOutput.checked = false;
- // disable form
- this.disable();
- }
- }
- }
- //Called when another page is about to be shown, or finish() is called on
- // the tabControl. Use this call to perform any finishing tasks.
- //
- function MethodsPage_unload()
- {
- //alert("unload() called " + this.tabLabel);
- this.selectedMethod = this.methods.getIndex();
- // hack to make sure that controls disappear correctly
- T.obj.visibility = "hidden";
- T.obj.visibility = "visible";
- return true;
- }
- //Called when finish() is called on the tabControl.
- // Use this call to perform any last minute page updates.
- //
- function MethodsPage_lastUnload()
- {
- //alert("lastUnload() called " + this.tabLabel);
- return true;
- }
- function MethodsPage_enable()
- {
- if (!this.pageIsEnabled)
- {
- this.pageIsEnabled = true;
- this.methodName.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.methodDisplayName.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.methodDescription.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.methodAccess.enable();
- this.methodRoles.removeAttribute("disabled");
- //this.methodStatic1.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.methodResultType.enable();
- this.methodOutput.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- }
- function MethodsPage_disable()
- {
- if (this.pageIsEnabled)
- {
- this.pageIsEnabled = false;
- this.methodName.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.methodDisplayName.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.methodDescription.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.methodAccess.disable();
- this.methodRoles.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- //this.methodStatic1.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.methodResultType.disable();
- this.methodOutput.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLASS:
- // ParametersPage
- //
- // This class handles the display and update of the parameters page
- //
- // NONE
- //
- // NONE
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParametersPage(theTabLabel)
- {
- this.tabLabel = theTabLabel;
- this.readOnlyMethods = "";
- this.parameters = "";
- this.parameterName = "";
- this.parameterDisplayName = "";
- this.parameterDescription = "";
- this.parameterType = "";
- //this.parameterArray = "";
- this.parameterRequired = "";
- this.parameterDefaultValue = "";
- this.selectedMethod = -1;
- this.selectedParameter = -1;
- this.paramsEnabled = true;
- this.pageIsEnabled = true;
- }
- ParametersPage.prototype.getTabLabel = ParametersPage_getTabLabel;
- ParametersPage.prototype.canLoad = ParametersPage_canLoad;
- ParametersPage.prototype.load = ParametersPage_load;
- ParametersPage.prototype.update = ParametersPage_update;
- ParametersPage.prototype.unload = ParametersPage_unload;
- ParametersPage.prototype.lastUnload = ParametersPage_lastUnload;
- ParametersPage.prototype.enable = ParametersPage_enable;
- ParametersPage.prototype.disable = ParametersPage_disable;
- function ParametersPage_getTabLabel()
- {
- return this.tabLabel;
- }
- //Called to check if a page can be loaded
- //
- function ParametersPage_canLoad()
- {
- //alert("canLoad() called " + this.tabLabel);
- return true;
- }
- //Called when the layer for this page is displayed.
- // Use this call to initialize controls.
- //
- function ParametersPage_load()
- {
- //alert("load() called " + this.tabLabel + " (loaded = " + this.loaded + ")");
- this.readOnlyMethods = new ListControl("readOnlyMethods");
- this.parameters = new ListControl("parameters");
- this.parameterName = dwscripts.findDOMObject("parameterName");
- this.parameterDisplayName = dwscripts.findDOMObject("parameterDisplayName");
- this.parameterDescription = dwscripts.findDOMObject("parameterDescription");
- this.parameterType = new ListControl("parameterType");
- //this.parameterArray = dwscripts.findDOMObject("parameterArray");
- this.parameterRequired = dwscripts.findDOMObject("parameterRequired");
- this.parameterDefaultValue = dwscripts.findDOMObject("parameterDefaultValue");
- // populate the parameter type array
- this.parameterType.setAll(LABEL_TYPES,LABEL_TYPES);
- this.update("refresh");
- }
- //Called when one of the page controls calls the tabControl update function.
- // Use this call to respond to user input.
- //
- function ParametersPage_update(theItemName)
- {
- //alert("update() called for " + theItemName + " on " + this.tabLabel);
- if (theItemName == "refresh")
- {
- // populate the methods array
- var nameArray = new Array();
- for (var i=0; i < COMPONENT_INFO.methods.length; i++)
- {
- nameArray.push(COMPONENT_INFO.methods[i].name); // function call?
- }
- this.readOnlyMethods.setAll(nameArray,nameArray);
- if (this.selectedMethod != -1)
- {
- this.readOnlyMethods.setIndex(this.selectedMethod);
- }
- // now update the rest of the display
- this.update('readOnlyMethods');
- }
- else
- {
- var index = this.readOnlyMethods.getIndex();
- var method = null;
- if (index >= 0)
- {
- method = COMPONENT_INFO.methods[index];
- }
- if (method)
- {
- if (!this.paramsEnabled)
- {
- this.parameters.enable();
- this.paramsEnabled = true;
- var plusButton = dwscripts.findDOMObject("btn_parameterPlus");
- plusButton.src = "../Shared/UltraDev/Images/PlusButton.gif";
- var minusButton = dwscripts.findDOMObject("btn_parameterMinus");
- minusButton.src = "../Shared/UltraDev/Images/MinusButtonEnabled.gif";
- }
- if (theItemName == "readOnlyMethods")
- {
- // populate the parameters array
- var nameArray = new Array();
- for (var i=0; i < method.parameters.length; i++)
- {
- nameArray.push(method.parameters[i].name); // function call?
- }
- this.parameters.setAll(nameArray,nameArray);
- if (this.selectedParameter != -1)
- {
- this.parameters.setIndex(this.selectedParameter);
- this.selectedParameter = -1; // only select this the first time the page is visited
- }
- this.update("parameters");
- }
- if (theItemName == "btn_parameterPlus")
- {
- var parameter = new ParameterInfo();
- parameter.name = getUniqueName(LABEL_Parameter, method.parameters);
- method.parameters.push(parameter); // should we insert this after selection?
- this.parameters.append(parameter.name);
- this.parameters.setIndex(method.parameters.length);
- this.update("parameters");
- }
- else if (theItemName == "btn_parameterMinus")
- {
- var paramIndex = this.parameters.getIndex();
- this.parameters.del();
- // delete this property
- method.parameters.splice(paramIndex,1);
- this.update("parameters");
- }
- else
- {
- var paramIndex = this.parameters.getIndex();
- var parameter = null;
- if (paramIndex >= 0)
- {
- parameter = method.parameters[paramIndex];
- }
- if (parameter)
- {
- this.enable();
- if (theItemName == "parameters")
- {
- // update the other fields to display the currently
- // selected item
- this.parameterName.value = parameter.name;
- this.parameterDisplayName.value = parameter.displayName;
- this.parameterDescription.value = parameter.description;
- this.parameterType.pickValue(parameter.type);
- this.parameterRequired.checked = parameter.required;
- this.parameterDefaultValue.value = parameter.defaultValue;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "parameterName")
- {
- if( "" == this.parameterName.value || containsInvalidChars(this.parameterName.value) ) {
- alert(dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_Error_BlankName,LABEL_Parameter));
- dwscripts.findDOMObject("parameterName").focus();
- }
- else if ( nameExists(this.parameterName.value, this.parameters) )
- {
- alert(dwscripts.sprintf(MSG_Error_NameExists, this.parameterName.value, LABEL_Parameter));
- dwscripts.findDOMObject("parameterName").focus();
- }
- else
- {
- parameter.name = this.parameterName.value;
- this.parameters.set(parameter.name);
- }
- }
- else if (theItemName == "parameterDisplayName")
- {
- parameter.displayName = this.parameterDisplayName.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "parameterDescription")
- {
- parameter.description = this.parameterDescription.value;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "parameterType")
- {
- var newValue = this.parameterType.getValue();
- if (parameter.type != newValue)
- {
- parameter.type = newValue;
- // need to repick the value to work around a bug
- this.parameterType.pickValue(parameter.type);
- }
- }
- else if (theItemName == "parameterRequired")
- {
- parameter.required = this.parameterRequired.checked;
- }
- else if (theItemName == "parameterDefaultValue")
- {
- parameter.defaultValue = this.parameterDefaultValue.value;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // disable form
- this.disable();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (this.paramsEnabled)
- {
- this.parameters.setAll(new Array());
- this.parameters.disable();
- this.paramsEnabled = false;
- var plusButton = dwscripts.findDOMObject("btn_parameterPlus");
- plusButton.src = "../Shared/UltraDev/Images/PlusButtonDisabled.gif";
- var minusButton = dwscripts.findDOMObject("btn_parameterMinus");
- minusButton.src = "../Shared/UltraDev/Images/MinusButtonDisabled.gif";
- }
- this.disable();
- }
- }
- }
- //Called when another page is about to be shown, or finish() is called on
- // the tabControl. Use this call to perform any finishing tasks.
- //
- function ParametersPage_unload()
- {
- //alert("unload() called " + this.tabLabel);
- // hack to make sure that controls disappear correctly
- T.obj.visibility = "hidden";
- T.obj.visibility = "visible";
- return true;
- }
- //Called when finish() is called on the tabControl.
- // Use this call to perform any last minute page updates.
- //
- function ParametersPage_lastUnload()
- {
- //alert("lastUnload() called " + this.tabLabel);
- return true;
- }
- function ParametersPage_enable()
- {
- if (!this.pageIsEnabled)
- {
- this.pageIsEnabled = true;
- this.parameterName.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.parameterDisplayName.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.parameterDescription.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.parameterType.enable();
- this.parameterRequired.removeAttribute("disabled");
- this.parameterDefaultValue.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- }
- function ParametersPage_disable()
- {
- if (this.pageIsEnabled)
- {
- this.pageIsEnabled = false;
- // clear items
- this.parameterName.value = "";
- this.parameterDisplayName.value = "";
- this.parameterDescription.value = "";
- this.parameterType.pickValue("string");
- this.parameterRequired.checked = false;
- this.parameterDefaultValue.value = "";
- // now disable
- this.parameterName.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.parameterDisplayName.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.parameterDescription.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.parameterType.disable();
- this.parameterRequired.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- this.parameterDefaultValue.setAttribute("disabled","true");
- }
- }
- // =================================================================================================
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // getParentCfcs
- //
- // Makes an http request to the CFCExplorer to return and array of
- // CFC names
- //
- // refreshCache - determines whether to get a fresh list of CFCs or not
- //
- // array containing the name of available CFCs
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getParentCfcs( refreshCache ) {
- if (refreshCache == null ) {
- refreshCache = "no";
- }
- var root = new Array();
- var cfcNames = new Array();
- // first item will be "" so that it doesn't look like a parent is automatically selected
- cfcNames[0] = "";
- var cfcNamesLen = cfcNames.length;
- var wddxParentCfcs = "";
- var introspectionURL = getIntrospectionUrl();
- if (introspectionURL != "")
- {
- MM.setBusyCursor();
- var pwdBase64 = MMToBase64(MMDB.getRDSUserName() + ":" + MMDB.getRDSPassword());
- var strHeader = "Authorization-MX: Basic " + pwdBase64 + "\r\n";
- var httpReply = MMHttp.postText(introspectionURL + "?method=getcfcs&refreshcache=" + refreshCache, "", "", strHeader);
- // only process WDDX if reply successful, else just return new Array()
- if (httpReply.statusCode == 200) {
- wddxParentCfcs = httpReply.data;
- //alert("raw WDDX packet\n\n" + wddxParentCfcs);
- var des = new WddxDeserializer();
- root = des.deserialize(wddxParentCfcs);
- // this happens to be null sometimes, ignore that it's null and just bring up the dialog
- if( root != null ) {
- for( var i=0; i<root.length; i++ ) {
- cfcNames[i+cfcNamesLen] = root[i].NAME;
- }
- }
- // sorting and empty array seems to make it null and was throwing errors in ListControlClass's setAll
- if( cfcNames.length > 0 ) {
- cfcNames = cfcNames.sort();
- }
- }
- MM.clearBusyCursor();
- } else {
- //alert('no url prefix???');
- }
- return cfcNames;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // repopulateCompParent
- //
- // - calls methods to retrieve a fresh the list of available components
- //
- // NONE
- //
- // NONE
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function repopulateCompParent() {
- LABEL_PARENT_CFCS = getParentCfcs("yes");
- T.getPageObject("componentSection").compParent.setAll(LABEL_PARENT_CFCS,LABEL_PARENT_CFCS);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // getCfcRoots
- //
- // Makes an http request to the CFCExplorer to return and array of
- // CFC names
- //
- // refreshCache - determines whether to get a fresh list of CFCs or not
- //
- // array containing the name of available CFCs
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getCfcRoots( refreshCache ) {
- if (refreshCache == null ) {
- refreshCache = "no";
- }
- var root = new Array();
- var cfcRoots = new Array();
- // first item will be "" so that it doesn't look like a parent is automatically selected
- cfcRoots[0] = "";
- var cfcRootsLen = cfcRoots.length;
- var wddxCfcRoots = "";
- var introspectionURL = getIntrospectionUrl();
- if (introspectionURL != "")
- {
- MM.setBusyCursor();
- var pwdBase64 = MMToBase64(MMDB.getRDSUserName() + ":" + MMDB.getRDSPassword());
- var strHeader = "Authorization-MX: Basic " + pwdBase64 + "\r\n";
- var httpReply = MMHttp.postText(introspectionURL + "?method=getcomponentroots&refreshcache=" + refreshCache, "", "", strHeader);
- // only process WDDX if reply successful, else just return new Array()
- if (httpReply.statusCode == 200) {
- wddxCfcRoots = httpReply.data;
- //alert("raw WDDX packet\n\n" + wddxCfcRoots);
- var des = new WddxDeserializer();
- root = des.deserialize(wddxCfcRoots);
- // this happens to be null sometimes, ignore that it's null and just bring up the dialog
- if( root != null ) {
- for( var i=0; i<root.length; i++ ) {
- cfcRoots[i+cfcRootsLen] = root[i].PHYSICALPATH;
- }
- }
- // sorting and empty array seems to make it null and was throwing errors in ListControlClass's setAll
- if( cfcRoots.length > 0 ) {
- cfcRoots = cfcRoots.sort();
- }
- }
- MM.clearBusyCursor();
- } else {
- //alert('no url prefix???');
- }
- return cfcRoots;
- }
- function nameExists(name, listToSearch) {
- if( name != null ) {
- for ( var i=0; i<listToSearch.getLen(); i++ ) {
- // need to check that it's not being compared against the current index that it's
- // trying to update! should the user not change the name
- if( name == listToSearch.get(i) && i != listToSearch.getIndex()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }